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Packages / Prices
Wills and Estate Prices
Probate Prices
Estate Administration
Wills and Estate Plans
Testamentary Trust Wills
Contested Wills and Estates
Business Succession Plans
Estate Checklist
Name of the Deceased
Last Address of the Deceased
Age and occupation of the Deceased at death
Marital status of the Deceased
Place of death
Date of death
Was the Deceased a permanent resident of NSW?
Your own full name and occupation
Your relationship to the Deceased
If you have any co-executors, please state their full names, addresses, occupations (or last occupations) and their relationship to the Deceased
Please state the full names and addresses of all beneficiaries. If any beneficiaries are deceased, please state date of death in each case
If the Deceased own any real property, please state the address of each property and send the title deeds to us, or tell us where they can be inspected
If the Deceased owned any leasehold property, please state the address of each property and send the leases to us, or tell us where they can be inspected
If the Deceased owned a motor vehicle, please supply details and arrange for a valuation to be made by a motor dealer and sent to us
If the Deceased owned furniture, a valuation may be required. Can you arrange for this to be done by a valuer if required, or do you wish us to arrange this?
If the Deceased owned jewellery or watches, a valuation will also be required
Please send us all bank pass books, bank statements, and cheque books of the Deceased
Max file size 5mb
If the Deceased has any cash at the date of death, please state the amount and how it has been disposed of
If the Deceased was entitled to any wages, holiday pay or long service leave, please supply details
If the Deceased has any life or superannuation policies, please supply any details and documents
Life or superannuation policies documents
Max file size 5mb
If the Deceased owned any stock, shares, debentures or bonds, please supply details and send us the documents
stock, shares, debentures or bonds documents
Max file size 5mb
Who handled the Deceased's income tax affairs?
Did the Deceased have an interest in any other estate, or was the Deceased an executor in any other estate?
If the Deceased had an interest in any business or partnership, please supply details
Were any debts dues to the Deceased? If so, were there any securities on those debts? Please supply details
Did the Deceased make any gifts exceeding $300.00 in value during the 3 years prior to death? if so, please supply details
Did the Deceased have any life interest in any property?
Was the Deceased a member of any funeral benefit fund, or any club conducting such a fund?
Did the Deceased have any other assets of any kind?
Did the Deceased owe any money at the date of death? If so, please supply full details, with particular reference to telephone, electricity or similar accounts.
First Name
Last Name